The power of scent when it comes to selling

Scent marketing is used widely in retail to create a pleasant atmosphere, playing with our emotions and encouraging us to spend.

The power of scent when it comes to selling

Our sense of smell is the most powerful way to connect with emotions and memories, it is our most primitive sense, located in the brains limbic system.

When we inhale scent molecules, they travel up through the nose to the olfactory receptors and transmit information to the olfactory bulb. working 24 hours a day, as it is the only one of our senses we cannot turn off. 

The average person is able to recognise approx. 10,000 scents, generally we can recall what we see with 40% accuracy after one month but will remember what we smell with 60% accuracy after one year.

In an ever competitive market, brands need to give more of a retail experience, what better way to do this, than scent marketing, a brands signature scent or scent logo.

While stunning gowns and attentive service are crucial, today's brides crave a truly immersive experience. Scent marketing can elevate your boutique beyond the visual, creating a lasting olfactory memory that sets you apart. Imagine a bride recalling your boutique with a delightful fragrance, sparking positive word-of-mouth and attracting new customers through referrals.

The facts about scent marketing;

✨ It takes 15 seconds for a customer to decide whether they want to stay in your boutique, creating a subtle scent will make them want to stay longer.

✨ Using scent, will create a unique and memorable environment, a connection on a deeper level.

✨ It gives you a brand identity and a better perception of quality and a longer lasting connection with consumers.

✨ It is a sensory experience along with the visual and the feel of the dress.

✨ It has a positive effect on mood and behaviour and an increase in profits, when a customer feels comfortable in a retail environment, they will stay longer and spend more, great for the up sell of accessories.

✨ Scent marketing will work best when used in conjunction with our other senses, so, it is important to have the right sound and lighting.

Options of scent marketing;

Scent the whole boutique, all the retail areas, with a subtle scent that pairs with the brand and environment, with the use of dry air electronic diffuser systems, reed diffusers, candles, ambient room and linen mists.

Scent branded stationery

Branded products for re-sale

Scent new collection launches and events.

Scent marketing offers a powerful tool to enhance customer experience and brand perception. By strategically incorporating fragrance, businesses can create a memorable atmosphere, subtly influence emotions, and potentially boost sales. Consider conducting research to identify the scents that best align with your brand identity and target audience. With careful planning and execution, scent marketing can become a valuable asset in your marketing strategy.

Why not book a 'Talking Scents' session